1.11. Destructuring assignment

The destructuring assignment syntax is a an expression that makes it possible to unpack values from arrays, or properties from tables/classes/instances, into distinct variables. This is similar to destructuring assignment in JavaScript (ECMAScript 2015)


let arr = [123, 567]
let [a, b] = arr
print(a) // => 123
print(b) // => 567

function foo() {
  return {x = 555, y=777, z=999, w=111}
let {x, y=1, q=3} = foo()
print(x) // => 555
print(y) // => 777
print(q) // => 3

If default value is provided it will be used if slot does not exist in source object. If no default value is given and slot with this name/index is missing, a runtime erro will be raised. Comma separators are optional.