8. The Aux library

The aux library implements default handlers for compiler and runtime errors and a stack dumping.

8.1. C API

void sqstd_seterrorhandlers(HSQUIRRELVM v)
  • v (HSQUIRRELVM) – the target VM

initialize compiler and runtime error handlers, the handlers use the print function set through(sq_setprintfunc) to output the error.

void sqstd_printcallstack(HSQUIRRELVM v)
  • v (HSQUIRRELVM) – the target VM

prints the call stack and stack contents. the function uses the error printing function set through(sq_setprintfunc) to output the stack dump.

void sqstd_formatcallstackstring(HSQUIRRELVM v)
  • v (HSQUIRRELVM) – the target VM

Prints the call stack and stack contents to the string and pushes resulting string to the stack. Produces the same output as (sqstd_printcallstack) but without using print function.