# RFCs This document tracks unimplemented RFCs. ## Deprecate extends keyword Use Python style for extends let Bar = class {} let Baz = class(Bar) //(instead of Baz = class extends Bar **Status**: Needs implementation and detailed rfc ## Introduce way to call table methods to avoid ambiguity with table fields {values = @() print("values")}.values() Suggestions: - with 'prefix'-style, operator .$ ( print({keys = 1}.$keys()) //'keys', not 1) - '::' (if and whe nwe remove :: operator) table::values() - '->' - '|>' (betterr keep for pipe) - some other way, for example with like getMethod({}.values)({}) **Status**: Needs implementation and detailed rfc ## Deprecate delete operator Use rawdelete instead **Status**: Needs implementation and detailed rfc ## Deprecate clone operator and replace it with .clone method **Status**: Needs implementation and detailed rfc ## Add is_freezed method to array and table **Status**: Needs implementation and detailed rfc ## Add for and foreach in ranges Syntax like: ``` for (range:integer) for (start_of_range:integer, end_of_range:integer) foreach (i in range:integer) ``` Will allow to make code faster and safer than with for(local i=0; i