.. _api_ref_calls: ===== Calls ===== .. _sq_call: .. c:function:: SQRESULT sq_call(HSQUIRRELVM v, SQInteger params, SQBool retval, SQBool invoke_err_handler) :param HSQUIRRELVM v: the target VM :param SQInteger params: number of parameters of the function :param SQBool retval: if true the function will push the return value in the stack :param SQBool invoke_err_handler: if true, if a runtime error occurs during the execution of the call, the vm will invoke the error handler. :returns: a SQRESULT calls a closure or a native closure. The function pops all the parameters and leave the closure in the stack; if retval is true the return value of the closure is pushed. If the execution of the function is suspended through sq_suspendvm(), the closure and the arguments will not be automatically popped from the stack. When using to create an instance, push a dummy parameter to be filled with the newly-created instance for the constructor's 'this' parameter. .. _sq_getcallee: .. c:function:: SQRESULT sq_getcallee(HSQUIRRELVM v) :param HSQUIRRELVM v: the target VM :returns: a SQRESULT push in the stack the currently running closure. .. _sq_getlasterror: .. c:function:: SQRESULT sq_getlasterror(HSQUIRRELVM v) :param HSQUIRRELVM v: the target VM :returns: a SQRESULT :remarks: the pushed error descriptor can be any valid quirrel type. pushes the last error in the stack. .. _sq_getlocal: .. c:function:: const SQChar * sq_getlocal(HSQUIRRELVM v, SQUnsignedInteger level, SQUnsignedInteger nseq) :param HSQUIRRELVM v: the target VM :param SQUnsignedInteger level: the function index in the calls stack, 0 is the current function :param SQUnsignedInteger nseq: the index of the local variable in the stack frame (0 is 'this') :returns: the name of the local variable if a variable exists at the given level/seq otherwise NULL. Returns the name of a local variable given stackframe and sequence in the stack and pushes is current value. Free variables are treated as local variables, by sq_getlocal(), and will be returned as they would be at the base of the stack, just before the real local variables. .. _sq_reseterror: .. c:function:: void sq_reseterror(HSQUIRRELVM v) :param HSQUIRRELVM v: the target VM reset the last error in the virtual machine to null .. _sq_resume: .. c:function:: SQRESULT sq_resume(HSQUIRRELVM v, SQBool retval, SQBool invoke_err_handler) :param HSQUIRRELVM v: the target VM :param SQBool retval: if true the function will push the return value in the stack :param SQBool invoke_err_handler: if true, if a runtime error occurs during the execution of the call, the vm will invoke the error handler. :returns: a SQRESULT :remarks: if retval != 0 the return value of the generator is pushed. resumes the generator at the top position of the stack. .. _sq_tailcall: .. c:function:: SQRESULT sq_tailcall(HSQUIRRELVM v, SQInteger nparams) :param HSQUIRRELVM v: the target VM :param SQInteger params: number of parameters of the function Calls a closure and removes the caller function from the call stack. This function must be invoke from a native closure and he return value of sq_tailcall must be returned by the caller function(see example). *.eg* :: SQInteger tailcall_something_example(HSQUIRRELVM v) { //push closure and parameters here ... return sq_tailcall(v,2); } .. _sq_throwerror: .. c:function:: SQRESULT sq_throwerror(HSQUIRRELVM v, const SQChar * err) :param HSQUIRRELVM v: the target VM :param const SQChar * err: the description of the error that has to be thrown :returns: the value that has to be returned by a native closure in order to throw an exception in the virtual machine. sets the last error in the virtual machine and returns the value that has to be returned by a native closure in order to trigger an exception in the virtual machine. .. _sq_throwobject: .. c:function:: SQRESULT sq_throwobject(HSQUIRRELVM v) :param HSQUIRRELVM v: the target VM :returns: the value that has to be returned by a native closure in order to throw an exception in the virtual machine. pops a value from the stack sets it as the last error in the virtual machine. Returns the value that has to be returned by a native closure in order to trigger an exception in the virtual machine (aka SQ_ERROR).